The Billion Dollar Dinner (Zurich Edition)

The Billion Dollar Dinner (Zurich Edition) was an exclusive event hosted by Beyond The Billion.

This event was a unique opportunity to gather some of the most prominent figures in the investment and entrepreneurial landscape for a special gastronomic dinner experience, fostering relationships and engaging in insightful discussions.

The idea behind this gathering was to create an informal yet stimulating setting where our guests could share collective insights, learnings, and war stories from the last 24 months, and explore new ideas and opportunities for growth in these rapidly evolving spaces.

Some Key Takeaways:

Empowering Future Generations
Encouraging confidence and trust among rising generations is crucial for successful wealth transfer. Instead of fear-based planning, fostering an environment of empowerment and education helps equip heirs with the skills and mindset needed to sustain and grow family wealth. The next-generation is purpose-built, as seen in the discussion by attendees.


Investing in Women: A Returns & Impact Imperative
Investing in gender-diverse teams presents a significant opportunity for higher returns, as seen in public data points, as well as BTB’s consortium of funds. Research shows that women-led businesses often outperform their peers, and diverse leadership teams can drive innovation and profitability. Investors are increasingly recognizing the value of gender diversity in their portfolios.


Implementing Gender Quotas Wisely

Gender quotas are essential in promoting diversity and ensuring that women have equal opportunities in leadership roles. However, they must be applied thoughtfully to avoid tokenism. Quotas should be part of a broader strategy that includes mentorship programs, leadership development, and a supportive corporate culture to truly empower women and harness their potential effectively. This is in line with BTB’s Pledge Campaign, which is a catalyst for change of investment systems and processes by asking funds to declare their target dollar amount to be invested in women-founded companies.

We will continue to host these gatherings globally, recognizing the significant impact on the investment and entrepreneurial communities through these convenings.

We would love to extend our gratitude to all guests for their contributions and active engagement, which were instrumental in the event’s success. Last but not least, it is imperative to deploy capital in ways that yield not only financial returns but also create a net positive impact on the world.

Drive Returns Through Diversity with Us #investinwomen

Take the Pledge: [email protected] 
Partner with Us: [email protected]
Invest with Us: [email protected] 

Some moments from the event:

About The Organizer

BTB is the world’s first and largest consortium of venture funds pledged to invest over $1Bn into women-founded companies. Beyond the Billion’s (BTB) first pledge campaign was launched as The Billion Dollar Fund for Women in October 2018 with an audacious goal of catalyzing $1 billion into the hands of women founders globally, addressing the gender venture investment gap where women were receiving only 2.2% of all venture capital funding. In under 2 years, $638 million of the first billion pledged was deployed by our partner funds into close to 800 women-founded companies, of which 11 have been recognized as unicorns— from Canva to EverlyWell. To continue to build on this momentum, we launched Beyond The Billion, to catalyze capital deployed to and with these venture funds, ensuring their continued capacity to invest by bridging LPs and GPs, building a community of institutional investors, sovereign funds, IFIs, DFIs, family offices, wealth managers and high net worth individuals; driving the agenda collectively.