Raiven Capital
RAIVEN Capital Fund A, based in Toronto, invests in emerging tech start-ups seeking pre-Series A, Series A, and venture debt investments and RAIVEN Fund B, based in Silicon Valley, invests in growth-stage tech companies seeking Series B+ and venture debt investments. RAIVEN Capital has specific carve-outs for follow-on investments with its syndication partners.
RAIVEN sources deals and talent from around the world from key innovation systems. This allows the Raiven community to create and capture value efficiently and effectively. We build bridges within markets, between markets and between stages of financing. The healthier the tech ecosystem, the better for all our stakeholders.
Run by business, financial & technology leaders with decades of collective experience, lessons, and networks, RAIVEN inspires companies to grow beyond the horizon. With offices in both Toronto and Silicon Valley and team members on 4 continents, we curate talent and technologies globally and nurture them within the most appropriate ecosystem to optimize velocity and create reliable and exciting results.