
Who we are

Portfolia is the venture investing platform designed for women.

Unlike a traditional angel network, in which investors make their own decisions about each pitch and write their own checks, Portfolia functions more like a micro-VC. With a check of between $10,000 and $100,000, women can join an open fund of their choosing. Each fund is spearheaded by a small team of experienced investors, who take the lead in managing deal flow and conducting due diligence (they also earn a larger portion of the fund’s profits). By pooling their money in this way, Portfolia’s members are able to learn from one another and quickly diversify their portfolios. All fund contributors are welcome to participate throughout the investment process, asking questions and offering their own expertise.

Current UAM




Cleantech, Femtech, Healthcare


Growth, Seed, Series A, Series B


Latin America and Carribean, North America


Argentina, Canada, US